The Dome of the Rock, Wajiha Hyder
William Blake Group
The Dome of the Rock
General Description
The Dome of the Rock is located in Palestine on the temple mount. It was completed in 691, making it around 1300 years old and the oldest Islamic building in the world. It is not considered a mosque but a religious shrine for the Muslims. It was built by Umayyad caliph Abd al-Malik.
The Dome of the Rock was meant to be created to overpower the other religious shrines. It is certainly one of the most beautiful and has thousands of tourists from all around that come to visit it. This structure has gone through several changes even after it was confirmed to have been completed. The golden dome on top of the Dome of the Rock was originally made of gold, but was replaced with copper and then aluminum. The interior of the dome is decorated with mosaic, faience and marble. The dome is topped by a full moon decoration which is a representation of the crescent moon symbol of Islam.

The sacred stone is encircled by sixteen arches that formerly came from different churches in Jerusalem, which were destroyed during the Persian occupation of the city in 614 AD.
There is a sacred rock in the middle of the building which is considered to be the spot where Prophet Muhammad ascended on the night journey. The Dome of the Rock was mainly devoted and still is today to commemorate Prophet Muhammad's ascension into heaven after his night journey to Jerusalem. There is Arabic inscription inside the building telling of the night of journey of Prophet Muhammad according to the Quran.
The night journey stated in the Quran was when Prophet Muhammad was pulled up into the heavens by God. This was during the time he was being revelated the Quran and he had been taken for him to see proofs and to strengthen his faith. As Surah 17 verse 1 states ‘Glory to (God) Who did take His Servant for journey by night from the Sacred Mosque to the Farthest Mosque, whose precincts We did Bless- in order that We might show him some of Our Signs: for He is the one Who heareth and seeth (all things)’. This strong verse shows that Prophet Muhammad
The most propitious site for Jewish prayer is a spot nearest the Foundation Stone. Because Muslim authorities refused to permit Jewish prayer on the Temple Mount, the custom developed of praying near the Western Wall, since it was the site nearest to the Foundation Stone, or on the Mount of Olives facing the site of the Temple.
The location of the Dome of the Rock connects it with a long tradition of the two other religions in Jerusalem, Judaism and Christianity. The place is where the second Jewish Temple was built and is also associated with the first Jewish Temple of Solomon. In addition, the Rock was considered to be the place where Abraham was prepared to sacrifice his son Isaac.
In an attempt to describe the Dome of the Rock as someone who has only researched it could conclude with this quote by a traveler Ibn Batuta who said "This is one of the most fantastic of all buildings. Its queerness and perfection lie in its shape... It is so amazing it captivates the eye...”
Dome of the Rock, Jerusalem. (1998)
Schlesier, M. L. (2005). Deities and Places of Worship. Exploring Art: A Global, Thematic Approach. I/ed (pp. 258). Mason, OH: Thomson.
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